Sunday, November 30, 2003

Last night I attended a friends funeral. He died last tuesday after falling off a roof in Pittsburgh.
As I was sitting there I thought how odd to have a funeral at 9:00pm. And then I began to think about the whole funeral process. I think when they bury me I do not want a funeral in a Funeral Home but instead I want my loved ones and friends to throw a party. Maybe someone will say something at various times during the gathering but mainly I want my friends to know that I do not want them to grieve but to celebrate my graduation. So how bout you? What will your funeral look like?

It's In The Water

Much Love

Friday, November 28, 2003

Best Buy
My son Chris called me at 5:45 AM this morning. Now usually when we get a phone call that early it is not good. But today was different. He called to tell me he was standing in line at Best Buy waiting for them to open. So I asked why and what do you need that you can't get later in the day? NOTHING he says! I just taught I would come early to slow down the process of others. Man I love this kid! He and his brother have my sick sense of humor. I asked him if he took his camera to get some hostile shots? No he said. So then I asked if maybe he might want to interview people as to "what the hell was so important that they would be in line sitting on lawn chairs in the rain at 5:30 AM"
But then I realized this is Pittsburgh, Pa. what the hell else would a yinzer be doing the day after Thanksgiving! The only other thing a yinzer would be doing the day after Thanksgiving is carrying a gun to kill this If you don't know what a yinzer is check it out!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Well I just finished talking with my newest relative my brother Bryan Sherwood I am amazed at how the Holy Spirit brings us together as followers of Christ. I am sure that we will talk more in the future.

Oh did I mention we met through blogging!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

A friend of mine just sent me this Corporate sponsorship a boon to church budgets Check it out!!

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Pursuit of A Legecy
We watched Rich Mullins video "Pursuit of A Legacy" this morning as we took communion just the two of us, me & Bonnie. This brother was truly ahead of his time. He was a man of God that was a WaterCarrier in the truest sense of the word. I find when I come in contact with people like Rich I begin to realize that the only thing that matters in this life is Christ and Him crucified! In the video Rich states that he would rather live close to the edge and risk falling. Than to live in safety. We too many times do not risk living close to the edge. We try to live safe and there by we miss out on the GREATEST Blessings in life.
I heard someone say the best fruit is out on the end of the limb but most time we settle for the easiest fruit and leave the greatest to fall to the ground. Let's go WAY out on the limb this week and pick the best fruit. And remember if the limb breaks Jesus is there to help us back into the tree.

Much Love

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Last night me and my best bud Al Fine were talking about becoming de-christianized and more a follower of Jesus. More and more daily I am asking God to make me less and less christian. If that offends some of you I am sorry. But I am more daily becoming aware that we are being very proud and arrogant when we announce to people that we are Christians. We seem to where that moniker as though we have arrived or achieved some great accomplishment and the world looks at our hypocrisy and says no thank you.
So I invite you to be less Christian today and be more a follower of Jesus. Maybe if we all daily become less Christian one day in the near future we can wipe out CHRISTIANITY and all that will be left is followers of Jesus!
I WANT TO KNOW & BE HIM!!! How bout you?

It's in The Water
God is soooo Good! Josh made it
  • home
  • last night.

    Tuesday, November 18, 2003

    Just when you are all out of answers up pops one. Man am I thankful for
  • pissed off children!

  • It's in the Water!
    so what happens when we are all out of answers? how do you go on when all is silent? how do we find our way when we have lost our sight? what then?

    Monday, November 17, 2003

    Only Questions?

    Why is it that when John the Baptist asked the question, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" Mt. 11:3

    Jesus answered, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see:
    The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.
    (Mt. 11:4-5)

    Why didn’t Jesus give John his blood cousin a straight answer of “Yes, I am the one do not be afraid you will be in paradise with me.

    Would it have been so hard to just reassure John that he had not followed and proclaimed in vain? Skip now to Lazarus, Mary and Martha.

    In John 11 Mary & Martha send a message to Jesus that his friend is sick. So did Jesus rush to help his friend? No he waited two days before starting to go to him. Then he says something that blows my mind, “I am glad I was not there”!

    So as he was approaching the town Martha went out to meet him and said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died”
    He did not give her the direct answer she was looking for in order to be reassured. He told her to believe. Once again why does Jesus so many times answer people with a question?

    In today’s world we all want the answer NOW! Instantly we demand to be responded to or else we turn our attention to the next person, place or thing. The body of Christ today is the same as the world. We want instant answers NOW! We want formulas and designs that tell us who, where, what, when and why NOW!
    And as I see it the there are and will always be people and groups who will tell and give us what we think we want! And by doing so help us avoid the personal struggle and the grinding to dust of our flesh the very thing that must be done in order for Christ to be formed in us!

    We need to stop being answer givers and start being Question Askers!

    Well at long last we are here!