Monday, January 05, 2004

Moving Out

We are moving the WaterCarriers blog to our NEW LOCATION

Hope everyone will visit us there.

Much Love

Saturday, January 03, 2004

What’s in a Label?

Institutional, Cell, Postmodern, Emerging, Emergent, Simple, House, Relational, Network, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada! Now please do not get me wrong I understand the need we as humans have to label things but these labels are a thing that limits our conversations and cause us to marginalize those who are not of our bent. I am guilty of this as I know most of you are. We attempt not to be, but what was you response the last time someone questioned the way you express yourself as it pertains to your way of living as the church? What was your response when they were condescending to you? When they shook their head at you and thought you a heretic because you don’t go to church on Sunday or because you do go to church on Sunday? Did you love them anyway? Did you not think of yourself more highly than you ought? Because you had the new true answer and they just didn’t get it? Did you have a feeling of superiority because of “the new thing” God had shown you? When will we understand that ALL of the various forms need parts of the other? Even the forms that hurt some of us are needed. Not in their abusive ways but in the true nature of the church in that form. You see to me it is simple. As a follower of Jesus the Christ I am FREE! You can tell me no I can’t do it that way, no I can’t start a new work, no I can’t because I need to have more knowledge and education, no I can’t because I have to have man’s approval, no I can’t because God doesn’t work that way, no I can’t because . ………… (fill in the blank). But you see I CAN! Because Jesus says I can and you can too. So to those of you out there who have been waiting for someone to tell you okay you have permission. OKAY YOU HAVE PERMISSION!
Go out and do it the way God has put it in your heart to do. But remember to love and not to look down on or feel sorry for those who do it differently. Even when they persecute you and they will love them and do not label them unless it is the label of brother or sister in Jesus.

Just remember
Freedom is for “The Free”

Much Love
Geo the S.I.M.P.
Saved Indwelt Master Purified